Award Winners
2024Madrid (Spain)
Alessio Norrito
Manchester Metropolitan University (United Kingdom)Between hope and cruel optimism? The dangers and possibilities of football in fostering hope for refugees abstract →
Honourable Mention
Julien Puech
Université Paris Cité (France)“I love fresh air and this freedom.” Enjoying sport and negotiating identity in refugees’ everyday lives in France and Germany abstract →
Selection Committee
- Prof. Fabien Ohl (University of Lausanne, Switzerland),
- Prof. Michał Lenartowicz (University of Physical Education in Warsaw, Poland),
- Prof. Stacey Pope (Durham University, United Kingdom),
- Dr. Davide Sterchele (Leeds Beckett University, United Kingdom)
2023Budapest (Hungary)L-R Kristina Orszaghova, Hanna Vehmas (President, eass), Federico Genovesi-
Federico Genovesi
Ulster University (United Kingdom)Spaces of football and belonging in Italy: people seeking asylum’s resistance of liminality through involvement in solidarity grassroots football abstract →
Honourable Mention
Kristina Orszaghova
Charles University (Czech Republic)Listening to Boxing Hearts and Beats: Analysing Boxing (Through) Soundscapes abstract →
Selection Committee
- Prof. Annelies Knoppers (University of Utrecht, The Netherlands),
- Dr. Daniel Burdsey (University of Brighton, United Kingdom),
- Dr. Carlos García Martí (European University of Madrid, Spain),
- Dr. Davide Sterchele (Leeds Beckett University, United Kingdom)
(Germany)L-R Laila Ottesen (President, eass), Matthias Buser, Louise Lindkvist, Davide Sterchele (YRA chair)-
Matthias Buser
University of Bern (Switzerland)The role of team structures in social integration in Swiss football clubs: A multilevel analysis abstract →
Honourable Mention
Louise Lindkvist
Umeå University (Sweden)Navigating Uncertainty: How do PE Teachers Respond to Competing Institutional Pressures? abstract →
Selection Committee
- Prof. Ramón Spaaij (Victoria University, Australia),
- Prof. Emma Poulton (Durham University, United Kingdom),
- Prof. Szilvia Perenyi (Hungarian University of Physical Education, Hungary),
- Dr. Davide Sterchele (Leeds Beckett University, United Kingdom)
2021Andalucía (Spain)Bonita Jayne Lunn-
Bonita Jayne Lunn
Oxford Brookes University (United Kingdom)A Figurational Sociological Investigation into the Relationship Between Sport and Religion: Tottenham Hotspur and Judaism. abstract →
Honourable Mention
Selection Committee
- Prof. Ruth Jeanes (Monash University, Australia),
- Prof. Laura Misener (University of Western Ontario, Canada),
- Prof. Ansgar Thiel (University of Tübingen, Germany),
- Dr Davide Sterchele (Leeds Beckett University, United Kingdom)
(Germany)Betelihem Alimu-
Betelihem Brehanu Alemu
University of Bern (Switzerland)Social Integration of Ethiopian and Eritrean Women in Switzerland through Informal Sport Setting abstract →
Honourable Mention
Lucy Piggott
University of Hertfortshire (United Kingdom)“You only go from what you know”: Gendered Recruitment and Selection Processes in English Sport Governance abstract →
Selection Committee
- Dr Mahfoud Amara (University of Qatar, Qatar),
- Dr Tamas Doczi (University of Budapest, Hungary),
- Dr Belinda Wheaton (University of Waikato, New Zealand),
- Dr David Sterchele (Leeds Beckett University, United Kingdom)
2019Bø (Norway)L-R Remco Hoekman (President, eass), Gavin Weedon, James Bowness-
Gavin Weedon
Nottingham Trent University (United Kingdom)‘Back to Nature’ Fitness: Physical Cultural Primitivism in Mud Running, CrossFit, and the Paleo Diet abstract →
Honourable Mention
James Bowness
Glasgow Caledonian University (United Kingdom)Risk Accepters and Problem Solvers: Managing Risk in the Masters Highland Games abstract →
Selection Committee
- Dr Raffaele Poli (University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland),
- Pirkko Markula (University of Alberta, Canada),
- Dr Davide Sterchele (Leeds Beckett University, United Kingdom),
- Prof Bjarne Ibsen (University of Southern Denmark, Denmark)
2018Bordeaux (France)R-L Sarah Metcalfe, Siegfried Nagel (President, eass)-
Sarah Metcalfe
Durham University (United Kingdom)The development of an adolescent sporting gendered habitus: Young people’s interpretation of UK sports-media coverage of Rio 2016 Olympic Games. abstract →
Honourable Mention
Annabelle Caprais
University of Bordeaux (France)Gender Parity: a new contribution to the gender regime theory. Cases studies of Executive Boards of French National Sport Organisations. abstract →
Selection Committee
- Prof. Michael Atkinson (University of Toronto, Canada),
- Dr. Louise Mansfield (Brunel University, United Kingdom),
- Dr. Kim Wickman (Umeå University, Sweden),
- Dr. Davide Sterchele (Leeds Beckett University, United Kingdom)
(Czech Republic)L-R Chloe McLean, Siegfried Nagel (President, eass)-
Chloe Maclean
University of Edinburgh (United Kingdom)Fighting with the senses: Negotiating space, power, and gendered embodiment through sensuous engagement in mixed-sex karate practice. abstract →
Honourable Mention
Ben Powis
Southampton Solent University (United Kingdom)We are playing for England, we wear the same shirt, just because I have a disability it doesn’t make me any different”: Empowerment, Eliteness, and Visually Impaired Cricket. abstract →
Selection Committee
- Prof Nils Asle Bergsgard (University College of Southeast Norway, Norway),
- Prof Christos Kassimeris (European University Cyprus, Cyprus),
- Dr Paddy Dolan (Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland {Republic}),
- Dr Davide Sterchele (Leeds Beckett University, United Kingdom)
(Denmark)Malin Österlind-
Malin Österlind
Umeå University (Sweden)Sport policy and evaluation strategies of representation, deliberation and reflexivity – ‘solutions’ to the ‘problem’ of sport (and) participation? abstract →
Honourable Mentions
Simone Digennaro
University of Cassino and Southern Lazio (Italy)Principles and practice of good governance in grassroots sport abstract → -
Julie Borgers
University of Leuven (Belgium)Involvement in sport light. A longitudinal mixed methods study on changing patterns of sports participation [paper co-authored with B. Vanreusel, J. Lefevre1, & J. Scheerder] abstract →
Selection Committee
- Prof. Ilse Hartmann-Tews (German Sport University Cologne, Germany),
- Dr Davide Sterchele (Leeds Beckett University, United Kingdom),
- Dr Anna Vilanova (National Institute of Physical Education, Barcelona, Spain),
- Prof. Toni Bruce (University of Auckland, New Zealand)
2015Dublin (Ireland)L-R Minhyeok Tak, Jeroen Sheerder (President, eass)-
Minhyeok Tak
University of Otago (New Zealand)The Politics of Countermeasures against Match-Fixing in Sport: A Political Sociology Approach to Policy Instruments abstract →
Honourable Mention
Adam Evans
University of Lincoln (United Kingdom)To “just be relaxed and with your own thoughts”: Embodied experiences of aquatic activity amongst individuals diagnosed with Schizophrenia abstract →
Selection Committee
- Prof. Ben Carrington (University of Texas at Austin, United States),
- Dr Agnes Elling (Mulier Institut, The Netherlands),
- Dr Holly Thorpe (University of Waikato, New Zealand),
- Dr Davide Sterchele (Leeds Beckett University, United Kingdom)
(Netherlands)R-L Enrico Michelini, Hannu Itkonen (President, eass)-
Enrico Michelini
Technische Universität Dortmund (Germany)Disqualification of Sport in Health-Related Promotion of Physical Activity – A Global Social Phenomenon? abstract →
Honourable Mention
Ryan Gauthier
Erasmus University Rotterdam (The Netherlands)Preventing a Repeat of Sochi’s Slaves: Holding the IOC Accountable for the Use of Forced Labour at Olympic Venues abstract →
Selection Committee
- Prof. Bart Vanreusel (University of Leuven, Belgium),
- Prof. Ørnulf Seippel (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway),
- Dr. Emmanuelle Tulle (Glasgow Caledonian University, United Kingdom),
- Dr. Davide Sterchele (Leeds Metropolitan University, United Kingdom)
2013Cordoba (Spain)R-L Fabian Studer, Hannu Itkonen (President, eass)-
Fabian Studer
University of Bern (Switzerland)Destandardised Career Entry? An Analysis of the Transition to Professional Life by Swiss Sports Science Graduates abstract →
Honourable Mentions
Hanne Vandermeerschen
University of Leuven (Belgium)Level playing fields? A multilevel analysis of club-organised sports participation among socially vulnerable children and adolescents abstract → -
Magnus Ferry
Umeå University (Sweden)School Sport is the Answer – What is the Problem? abstract →
Selection Committee
- Prof. Jonathan Long (Leeds Metropolitan University, United Kingdom),
- Prof. Gyöngyi Szabó Földesi (Semmelweis University Budapest, Hungary),
- Prof. Hannu Itkonen (Jyväskylä University, Finland),
- Dr. Davide Sterchele (University of Padua, Italy)
2012Bern (Switzerland)L-R Claudia Klostermann, Nicola Porro (President, eass)-
Claudia Klostermann
University of Bern (Switzerland)Changes in German sport participation: Historical trends in individual sports abstract →
Honourable Mentions
Ramón Spaaij
La Trobe University (Australia)Changing people’s lives for the better? Social mobility through sport-based intervention programmes: opportunities and constraints abstract → -
Christopher R. Matthews
University of Loughborough (United Kingdom)‘Real Men Can Control Their Shit’ – Violence, Ambiguity, Coherence and Identity abstract →
Selection Committee
- Prof. Mike Collins (University of Loughborough, United Kingdom),
- Prof. Jorid Hovden (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway),
- Prof. Ramón Llopis-Goig (University of Valencia, Spain),
- Prof. Georg Anders (German Sport University Cologne, Germany),
- Dr. Davide Sterchele (University of Padua, Italy)
2011Umeå (Sweden)L-R Koji Kobayashi, Nicola Porro (President, eass)-
Koji Kobayashi
University of Otago (New Zealand)Globalisation, Corporate Nationalism and Orientalism: Negotiating Japanese Identity between the East and West within Asics Global Advertising Production abstract →
Honourable Mentions
Oli Williams
University of Leicester (United Kingdom)Eating for Excellence: Eating Disorders in Elite Sport: Inevitability and Immunity abstract → -
Stephanie-Alice Baker
University of Western Sydney (Australia)From Sporting Transgression to Social Tragedy: Situating Zidane’s World Cup head-butt on France’s postcolonial stage abstract →
Selection Committee
- Prof. Tess Kay (Brunel University, United Kingdom),
- Prof. Mojca Doupona Topic (University of Ljubljiana, Slovenia),
- Prof. Hannu Itkonen (University of Jyväskylä, Finland),
- Dr. Josef Fahlén (Umeå University, Sweden),
- Dr. Davide Sterchele (University of Padua, Italy)
2010Porto (Portugal)L-R Georg Anders (President, eass), Philipe de Souto Barreto-
Philipe de Souto Barreto
Université de la Méditerranée, Marseille (France)Physical activity level among functionally limited and robust older adults: is body satisfaction predictive of physical activity level? abstract →
Honourable Mentions
Remco Hoekman
W.J.H. Mulier Institute (The Netherlands)Influence of neighbourhood and sport facilities on sport participation in an urban area abstract → -
Steven Vos
Katholieke Universiteit, Leuven (Belgium)Cross Sector Relationships in the Supply of Sport at a Local Level: Cooperation between Non-Profit and Commercial Sport Providers abstract →
Selection Committee
- Gertrud Pfister (Denmark),
- Ana Luísa Pereira (Portugal),
- Lone Friis Thing (Denmark),
- Davide Sterchele (Italy)
2009Rome (Italy)L-R Charlotte Van Tuyckom, Georg Anders (President, eass)-
Charlotte Van Tuyckom
Ghent University (Belgium)Six Sporting Worlds: A Cluster Analysis of Sports Participation in 25 European Member States abstract →
Honourable Mentions
Nicolas Delorme
Université J. Fourier, Grenoble I (France)Women in the sub-field of French sports journalism: a double domination abstract → -
Lotte Salome
Tilburg School of Economics (The Netherlands)Senses of authenticity in contemporary consumer culture: New versions of lifestyle sports and questions of genuineness abstract →
Selection Committee
- Henning Eichberg (Denmark),
- Richard Giulianotti (United Kingdom),
- Bernd Schulze (Germany),
- Davide Sterchele (Italy)