Young Researcher Award

The aim of the Eass Young Researcher Award is to facilitate the integration of outstanding graduate students and young researchers into the European community of sociology of sport scholars. The award will be granted to a scholarly paper, authored by a young researcher, which is deemed by a panel of judges to be of highest quality. The winning author will be invited to receive the award and present the paper at the Annual Conference of the eass. The winning paper may be considered for publication in the European Journal for Sport and Society, should the author wish to submit it.


  • The winning author will be invited to attend the Eass conference free of charge and to present the paper to the plenary session and they will receive a €500 monetary prize sponsored by Eass.
  • Eass sponsored prize of membership in Eass for the year after which the award is also granted.
  • The panel of judges may also give up to two honourable mentions. Young researchers receiving an honourable mention will also have their papers accepted for presentation in a parallel session at the Eass conference free of charge and will receive a €250 monetary prize sponsored by Eass.
  • The name of all winning authors will be posted on the Eass website


  • Registered for
    Master or doctoral level
    work Any student who is registered for master's or doctoral level graduate work at the time her or his paper is submitted.
  • Ph.D awarded
    not more than 2 years ago Any researcher who was awarded Ph.D not earlier than 2 years before the submission deadline of the YRA call for papers.
  • only
    one submission
    per author The committee will accept only one submission per author.


  • Candidates will submit a scholarly paper on a topic related to the European context as either the empirical bases or the thematic focus for the study. Please submit two separate files: the first one must contain the title of the paper and the full contact information of the author; the second one must contain the title, the abstract and the full text of the paper (here the author should remain anonymous).
  • Papers with a lenght of over 8,500 words (references included) will not be considered.
  • Papers must be original, i.e. not already submitted elsewhere.
  • Papers must be single-authored (please contact Dr Davide Sterchele if you need further clarification).
  • Authors will submit a letter, signed by her or his academic advisor, verifying their student status or the date of their PhD completion (not earlier than 2 years before the submission deadline).
  • Authors will comply with the publications guidelines of EJSS (see:
  • Papers should be sent to the Award Committee Chair in electronic copy (Microsoft Word).
  • While sending the full paper for the YRA, those authors who plan to attend the conference independently from the YRA results must also submit their abstract via the on-line submission system of the general conference.

All papers should be sent to:

Dr. Davide Sterchele
eass Young Researcher's Award Committee Chair

Informal enquiries may be made via email.

Deadline for Receipt of Submissions

2025 February 17th

see the announcement for details

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